Our Program
The Kids Café program targets low-income, at-risk, and food-insecure youth between the ages of 5 and 18 years old. The primary purpose of nutrition and food programs at our Clubs is to provide access to high-quality, nutritious meals for our youth, many of whom are food insecure.
We currently operate full-service Kids Cafés at our Wissahickon, Wayne Avenue, Germantown, and Northeast Frankford Clubs, serving over 500 meals daily to Club members and community youth. Our full-time Chefs prepare meals with fresh ingredients so that the food not only is nutritious, but also tastes good and has the homemade touch to make our kids feel welcome.
The Kids Café is self-sustaining and certified through the CACFP and SFSP programs and receives reimbursements at a rate of $.91/snack, $3.31/dinner, and $2.03/breakfast, ensuring that the program will remain continuously operational. Most importantly, this program helps us fulfill our mission by ensuring that our kids have all of their basic needs met and can fully participate in programs that help them learn and develop.

Favorite Meals
- Chicken Fajita Flatbread with Roasted Corn Salsa and Grilled Asparagus
- Hone-Dijon Salmon
- Pierogis
Kids Cafe Supporters:
Leo & Peggy Pierce Family Foundation
Louis N Cassett Foundation
The Wawa Foundation

WW Smith Charitable Trust
1The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia., “2013 Community Health Needs Assessment Summary & 2013-2016 Implementation Plan” 2018
2Mallya, Giridhar “Walkable Access to Healthy Food in Philadelphia, 2010-2012” Philadelphia's Department of Public Health, 2013, September 25, 2018
CACFP Program
Supper and Snack Served Daily
Nicetown-Wayne Ave
Shane Victorino Nicetown
4001 N Clarissa Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 229-2008
Northeast Frankford
Ralph J. Roberts Germantown
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